Delving into the Depths of Dorian Gray


Literary enthusiasts, Grade 12 students, and lovers of the classic arts – we have something thrilling for you! As part of our commitment to providing quality educational content, we’ve developed a comprehensive series on Oscar Wilde’s haunting novel, “The Picture of Dorian Gray.”

A Tale Beyond the Ordinary

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” is not merely a book; it’s a reflection of societal norms, vanity, consequences, and the allure of eternal youth. Wilde’s novel, dripping with wit and foreboding, captures the imagination, leaving readers both entranced and introspective.

Why Dorian Gray?

In the Grade 12 English Literature curriculum, Dorian Gray stands as a testament to the transformative power of literature. It allows students to grasp intricate character developments, narrative techniques, and thematic depth. But, studying it can be daunting, especially without the right resources.

Enter iWhiz’s Comprehensive Series

To assist our budding literary scholars, we’ve crafted a series of 16 lessons, exclusively available on the iWhiz app. Each lesson intricately covers different facets of the novel, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the material.

Features include:

  • Expert analysis of characters and plot
  • Discussion of major themes and motifs
  • Contextual background on Oscar Wilde and the novel’s historical setting
  • Interactive quizzes to test comprehension

A Teaser to Tempt You

And for those who’d like a sneak peek into what’s in store, we have released a captivating one-minute teaser. This video serves as a doorway into the opulent and morally ambiguous world of Dorian Gray.


Wrapping It Up

To all our Grade 12s gearing up for the literary exploration of a lifetime, we’re with you every step of the way. Download the iWhiz app now and unlock the world of Dorian Gray, along with a plethora of other educational materials tailored just for you.

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